Hey Y’all

I have a PS5 now and I voted yesterday… that’s it. Lol does anyone get that reference?

My PS4 Pro is truly dying and its my second PS4 on the fritz now.

I tried the PS Direct queue and took and chance. I got lucky and was able to place an order.

Shockingly that was the easiest part. Actually getting the console was another story. For some reason my delivery was being cancelled. They said it was due to multiple failed delivery attempts in one day! Which I had to fight customer service over. However I had proof they never showed up in the first place. Thanks doorbell camera! They sent the PS5 away one city to a customer care center. Then I had to physically go pick up and sign for it.

It is set up now though. The controller and menus changes are taking some getting used to. I only have a few truly ps5 exclusive games at the moment like control ultimate edition and some of there other games as a service. Along with the ps plus games I have been collecting monthly.

The worst game I played so far though was WRECKFEST. I was hoping it would be like old Burnout Revenge. The first mission was to wreck 3 opponents on lawnmowers. Crashed a few lawnmowers at a top speed of 30 mph for 5 minutes straight… and uninstalled the game. I also gave my horizon 2 code to a friend.

Seriously considering to go to mid tier PS+ to access more games but not sure if I am sold on that yet.

Any thoughts? Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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Stray shared a GIF
Awesome that you got one! My friend kept trying for a while and finally got one recently too. I've been on the fence about springing for a Series X but I think I want to get a 4k tv first. I one a One X right now so there isn't a huge reason to upgrade yet especially since a lot of the Series X games can be played on One X via the cloud.

I'm still plugging away at The Witcher 3 on Switch which will probably be what I write on here for a long time. Breaking it up with a little SuperMash but that game tends to get old quickly so it'll be far and few between with that I think. Making my way through Timeshift on my Xbox right now. It's a decent shooter and I'm sure was amazing at the time it came out. I'm having fun playing around with the time powers in it.
1 year ago
@peepso_user_35(RealmofDarthon) My main issue now is the sheer lack of game that are exclusive that I actually want. also this dumb router still crashes just looking at it's own damn store.
1 year ago