Beating The Backlog: Resident Evil: Revelations 2

I have to say, I am disappointed!

Revelations 2 is a decent entry into the Resident Evil franchise, but when I bought it, I somehow didn’t realize that I had only purchased the first chapter!

I was under the impression that I had purchased an entire game, and was pretty hyped at a point. I was getting into it, the third person survival horror icon at it’s best.

I finished a few levels, and lo – credits start rolling. Why?? I couldn’t understand.

Then, I try to continue the game only to find that it wanted me to buy the rest of it. No fair!

I’m not the smartest man, but I was genuinely under the impression that I had purchased the entire game.

What I can say about it is – the story is interesting, the gameplay is tight and crisp. I would like very much to see it through, but alas, it isn’t meant to be. Not for now at least.

I played the first entry in the Revelations spin-off and was well impressed with the (at the time) 3DS exclusive. It was unique to the system – to my knowledge, there wasn’t another survival horror game on the 3DS, especially not of this caliber.

RE: Revelations is Resident Evil at it’s best – winding passageways, interconnecting mazes, ammo conservation..true survival horror. it’s hard to describe what makes a good Resident Evil game, but I will say this: the feeling of being trapped in a hostile, filthy environment crawling with twisted creatures that were once human is ever present.

I would recommend this game if you love survival horror and are actually buying the entire thing. Oof.

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