Open Forum: Gnarly History Month!

Hey I am black so I can use my racial shield to make an odd take about our GNARLY History and this month.

Here goes…

Honestly I forgot to bring it up last Wednesday. I am 12 hours in to that now by the way. I don’t Like being badgered with so much advertisements about Black history month, black owned businesses, black content creators. When we get sorted or labled like that it feel like we are in our own little bubble and possibly are seen as less than. Heck if the twitch hate raids were anything to gooby whether it was just trolling or motivated by truly racist origins that’s another issue though.

I wish it wasn’t a big deal and that there wasn’t such a huge division and that it was just taught normally as a part of America’s history as opposed to being relegated to 1 month a year. Its sad and depressing to me. In a perfect world we would all be on an even playing field none of that would matter. We do not live in a ideal world however. Bad shit happens and some people still have not owned up to what happened, made good on it, and educated the masses properly to ensure things like it do not happen again. My apologies I do not know where I was going with this and it’s making me sad.

Now for something not depressing!

So Olli Olli World dropped Last night and I LOVE IT!

Major Differences from last 2 games. Visual overhaul and full shift to a cartoony 3d style.

Just look at this glow up process!

OlliOlli Screenshots
Olli Olli screenshot from

Full pixel art in the first game.

Olli Olli 2 Screenshot from

The sequel to Welcom to Olliwood got more detailed not sure what exact style you’d call it but its a step up.

OlliOlli World Screenshots Image #34963 - XboxOne-HQ.COM
Olli Olli World Screenshot from

Look at that colorful 3d toon shading beauty!

Create a Skater!

Olli Olli World Customization Showcases Full Character Creator
Olli Olli World Character Customizer Screenshot from

You can damn near be whatever color you want. No real gender labels here either so it’s pretty inclusive. There is a simple body shape and body size slider. Due to the lack of Gender specifications there is no limit on what you can wear besides your skill to actually unlock it in game. There many Items and other customization options for your skaters as you progress through the game and complete challenges.

Another new thing that I at least do not recall from the first 2 is that you will unlock Mastery challenges as you complete each world. I have yet to complete any so no clue what they do yet.

Some stages now have multiple routes as well as quarter pipes and wall riding.

Amazing soundtrack is back again here!

snappy fast controls are still here. Crazy analog tricks, Grinds, and Manuals all return for youto combo for big scores.

Along with the scores you will be given a rival on each stage. This Rival System allows you to see other online players skaters in the normal campaign. You can also see them in the online ranked leagues.

I played it for about 3 hours straight almost completing all challenges in the first world. The challenge for No basic tricks in the Pool stumped me. After some rest I plan to be back at it again after work tomorrow!

I’ll also be looking into Maglam Lord, and Lost Ark eventually.

Anything interesting for y’all so far this month?

Talk Amongst yourselves!

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It completely triggers my racist ass mom though... "How come there's no WHITE history month" zzzzzzz

I am hard stuck platinum in wild rift. It's literally impossible to soloq as a support and hope to ever rise out of elo hell. Think I might intentionally demolish my elo and then try to start from scratch as Baron lane or something.
2 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) Lol ur mum dumb. I do not play any mobas ranked currently and I plan to keep it that way. I only play the random modes on desktop League of legends
2 years ago
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