O.F. Bayonetta 3 is pretty flipping neat!


Just talking about Bayonetta 3

Bayonetta 3 dropped and despite the News/VA Scandal and poo flinging. It’s pretty good. I think I showed a picture of the big edition. Yeah in fact that’s gonna be the header image ehehe i’m so smart.

I have gotten far enough to play as Bayonetta, Jeanne, and Viola now.

Bayonetta and Viola are your standard character action in arena fights.

Bayonetta has way more options compared to Viola but also she is a 500+ year old Umbran Witch. She seems to be picking up 1 demon and weapon per dimension… err multiverse? I love the fire yoyo’s and the demon train the most so far. I just got the Chainsaw Club? However I have not gotten a chance to use it yet as I got it at the end of a chapter then had to play Jeanne and Viola on the next two stages.

Viola has a smaller move pool all of her attacks are chargeable also instead of being stuck dancing when Bayo does demon summoning Viola can through her sword and summon Chesire to auto battle and Vio can do kicks and punches or throw her darts.

Jeanne has 2d elevator panic stealth levels. She plays like a neutered Bayonetta as you may have seen in Bayonetta 1 or 2 they shared a moveset. However in this game so far Jeanne is unable to perform demon summons due to magic mumbo jumbo. Also makes since for stealth reasons. She does retain her shape changes to get in to vents or swim though. Also there is a weird power rangers-esque invincibility mode. I only got it once though and have only played 2 of her levels so far.

The Story is interesting too. I am picking away at it a chapter or two a day until I can get my hands on Pokemon Violet or Sonic Frontiers when my budget allows.

That’s all I got. Talk amongst yourselves.

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I just finished Bayonetta 2 a few months ago so excited to try 3 at some point. Haven't been around quite as much here since I just got back from my 3 week honeymoon to southeast Asia. highly recommend visiting the area. it was quite amazing. even got a little bit of Switch gaming in on the various flights. was mostly Mario 64
Hope you had a good time and enjoy the games when you get to them.
1 year ago
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