Open Forum: A good comeback, who’s pulled one off?

Hey I got a short one today and the title is semi relevant. It’s about the comeback.

Are there any creators of any space music, acting, content creator/Influencers, or any other kind of Artist that you missed for while and then they came back as good as ever?

I bring this up due to the recent return of Smooth McGroove the amazing acapella cover artist recently returned. Well he was nto really gone he simply slowed down on music and started streaming when he had time. he was around but I do not watch streams often since I prefer playing games over watching.

Image of Youtube landing page for Smooth McGroove

He dropped a video explaining his break and then immediately came back next month with this gem!

He is one of the few people who does covers that makes me go listen to the original just so I can hear what inspired his arrangement. I am glad he is doing better in all health stand points and getting back in to music.

I really could not think of much else to talk about oh maybe some of my favorite covers he has done hwew is a brief top 5.

  1. Donkey Kong Country – Aquatic Ambience Acapella
  2. Final Fantasy VII – One Winged Angel Acapella
  3. Saria’s Song (Lost Woods) Acapella – Zelda Ocarina of Time
  4. Street Fighter 2 – Guile Theme Acapella
  5. Undertale – Chill Acapella

So I turn it over to you all with some questions now.

  • Is there anyone that made a comeback that you loved or didn’t like the new change or direction they were heading in?
  • Is there anyone you are still waiting to come back?

Don’t care bout these question? Well you know the drill talk amongst yourselves or go look at other TAY stuff.

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**Is there anyone that made a comeback that you loved or didn’t like the new change or direction they were heading in?**
The Robert Downey Jr. success story comes to mind. To go from so low to being on top of Hollywood thanks to Iron Man. Fantastic story.

**Is there anyone you are still waiting to come back?**
Maybe Bioware. Their last few games have been decent but nowhere near the level of their glory years. I loved the Mass Effect trilogy and the Dragon Age trilogy. I think expectations and studio interference got the best of them most recently though. Here's hoping ME4 and DA4 are awesome again.

I think I'm about halfway through Assassin's Creed II. Still going strong with this one. I'm thinking I may start Cyberpunk 2077 after I finish this since they released that second big patch so I'm hoping it will be pretty playable on my One X.