OPEN FORUM: I really like Sun Haven

No? I only mentioned Sun Haven a bit the past few articles? Well I am about 90 hours into it now!

Image of Novi's Sun Haven Steam info

I am very late to this game it was KickStarter Funded back in 2020. To sum it up, it is a farming sim, but in a fantasy setting. The Pixel art style is more chibi or stylized, when compared to Stardew Valley If I had to visually compare Sun Haven to something I would that it is like Maple Story. I know that is an ancient reference by internet standards now though.

Sun Haven has a story which will eventually lead you to owning a house and farm land in three towns. Me and my Sister have been playing co-op almost every day after work.

Unfortunately our first save file got bugged so we had to start over.

Rest in Peace Chelsea an Angel Spellsword build and Tecla an Elven Crossbow master, my sister’s character. These were reoccurring characters from our Pokémon scarlet violet game swap. We deleted the files and started over in Solidarity.

image of character data from Suna haven

I made a new angel since they get a special AOE heal abilit. I named her Zaechel, who started as royalty. Not sure whats up with me and Chel in female names. I will just blame the Road to Eldorado and Portal 1 and 2 for it and move on.

The plan this time was to go FULL SWORD in the combat skill tree. Then only pick up utility spells for logging, mining, fishing, and watering crops in the others. My sister remade an elf as well, but this time is focusing on sword and Defensive passive skills.

This time we were armed with more experience from 74 in-game days. Which were at about an average of 30ish minutes a piece in real time. So about 37 hours of experience on top of my solo testing time as Lazzoroh a Water Elemental, Mage build.

Now we had a much better grasp on the museum’s Seasonal Crop and Seasonal Aquarium Bundles, similar to Stardew Valley or Animal Crossings. We made it to all three towns. Sun Haven Where you start, then the Elf and Monster Towns. We got all the way to the Fall/Autumn Season before my host save got bugged. So Winter remains a mystery. We only used the wiki so far for where to fish, and liked gifts for the romance options.

How did it go?

We did some amazing work knocking out all the fish and crops for Spring and Summer. Check out my beehive set up! All of the Beebox related flowers in this game grow in all seasons. So you can set up something like this even in the winter. Another nice thing about the crops is that seeds from the general store are all season. Cooking stapes like wheat, corn, rice, tomato, potato, onion carrot and a few others are always available to grow. Another shop carries everything that must be grown in a specific season or two sometimes.

After we finished the Summer crop bundles we set out for the Elven lands of Nelvari. We wrapped that up pretty quickly as far as the story content goes since it was fresh in our minds.

Our last accomplishment was building an Elven barn there. Now we just need the last Elf crop. Alongside still grinding Mana Orbs (Elf currency) to buy one of every animal in that region. Another nice thing is that you can actually choose whether you got to Elf land or Withergate (Monster land) first. You get both options some time after moving the story in the starting town of Sun Haven.

If you were looking for a more fantasy Stardew coop good times I highly recommend it. The game is 8 player max coop. no clue on how stable that is. I have only played with 2-3 people at a time. Also you can share or spit your income. I do worry how much space you would have having to put down 8 houses in the beginning but it could make things interesting.

Oh yeah uh Diablo 4 season 1 rabble rabble too nerfed, fix the game Blizzard.

Talk Amongst Yourselves!

Apologies for any errors I have a migraine.

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This game looks really cool. Sucks about the saves getting bugged. Was on vacation for a bit so didn't get much gaming in at all. Still chipping away at Doom Eternal
9 months ago
@peepso_user_35(RealmofDarthon) Doom eternal trying to tempt me i saw it on sale today man. I hope your vacay was good. we are already almost done with the game on our new run.
9 months ago
@peepso_user_6(Novibear) Definitely a fun game but I can only do it in small doses. Some games I can play for hours at a time. This one I can do one level and then need a break because it's so intense. Constant movement is needed or you die
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