Feel free to skip the first paragraph its kind of a downer.

Stay safe out there if you plan to celebrate. Unfortunately No telling who’s gonna be targeted next its an unfortunate worry I have as possibly needing to chaperone my some family at an upcoming event. with all the tragedies going on I hope nothing bad happens but the worry is seeded deep in me this days. so lets try to get to something more light hearted. Just had to get that out of me immediately sorry if that dampers everything else.

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH rainbow vector typography banner with swashes

So yeah its pride month. I can’ think of much thematically gamewise that’s up on my listings besides maybe Haven. Which I played a demo for and picked up later on sale.

Haven stars a loving couple just trying to support eachother through all the crap thats going on. A recent major update added voice lines and models for you to play Homosexual Males or Females pairings besides the default Heterosexual Male and Female couple. This was a free update by the way check out the trailer. I would have loved it if it could have them gender swapped the default pairing.

Other than that Maybe My Time at Sandrock which just hit early access may allow same sex relations. Check out the kick starter news links:

Besides those being on topic i am still on my usual grinds of Warframe on PC and now PS4, Caravan Stories, Olli Olii World. V Rising, also booted up killing floor 2 again to punch zombies as a robot.

Oh and I beat Sound Fall. It was neat don’t know if I mentioned it last time.

Anyway Talk Amongst Yourselves.

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Hope your fam stays safe Novi! I don't like how scary the world is right now
1 year ago
@peepso_user_43(thegeekempress) The event we attended went off without any issues thankfully of course the news of world events when we got home still sucked but we were safe. I hope you and yours are safe too.
1 year ago
Happy Pride Month and stay safe out there everyone! I'm 2 levels away from beating Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 so getting really close! Then I think there are like 6ish DLC levels to play so still got some more to do. I keep getting distracted by games with shorter playtimes though like the Tony Hawk remasters, Horizon Chase Turbo, Gear.Club Unlimited, Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 - The Official Video Game, and Immortal Redneck. I didn't realized how many games have been distracting me until I just typed them all out. This has all been on Switch. I've been mostly playing Outriders on my Xbox One. It's a looter shooter at heart but a really fun third person cover shooter with some super power mechanics. I've been using one that I've read essentially gives you the ability to vaporize people like Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen. It's pretty awesome.
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