Monogatari Second Season: Nekomonogatari (White) Review: In which Doctorkev’s cat-girl fascination becomes a terminal affliction

Now that I’ve progressed past the three Kizumonogatari prequel movies (reviews here, here and here), it’s time for me to finally start my odyssey through the “second season” of Studio Shaft’s and director Akiyuki Shinbou’s anime adaptation of NisiOisin’s Monogatari light novel series. Other AniTAY contributors more “in the know” (though perhaps only further mired in Monogatari-induced perversion than I am) suggested that this … Read more

Kizumonogatari: Reiketsu Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev discovers blood-drenched slapstick is the best slapstick.

Finally, we arrive at the conclusion of the epic movie trilogy adaptation of NisiOisin’s Monogatari prequel, Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu (Cold Blood). My reviews of part one and two can be read here and here. It’s been quite a ride and I’m (almost) sad it’s over. Someone commented after one of my previous reviews that the Kizumonogatari movies are like the Hobbit movies of the franchise, … Read more

Kizumonogatari: Nekketsu Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev discovers Baseball-throwing is an adequate defence against rampaging vampires with swords for arms.

It’s been almost 3 months since my last Monongatari review, so let me begin with an apology and a reassurance that (ab)normal service will resume shortly. A month-long delay in this particular volume’s UK release certainly didn’t help though! Before I move onto season 2, I will complete my reviews of the Kizumonogatari (Wound Story) trilogy of movies – … Read more

Kizumonogatari: Tekketsu Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev considers if he would sacrifice his life for a pretty vampire. SPOILER: No.

Ask any Monogatari fan what the correct order to read or watch this series in is and you will receive a different answer. The first novel published (in two volumes) was Bakemonogatari (Monster Story), the animated adaptations I reviewed here and here. Next was Kizunomonogatari (Wound Story), a prequel that explained the situation of Koyomi Araragi, the series’ main protagonist. Next came Nisemonogatari (Fake Story), which … Read more

Random Blu-ray Review: Eureka Seven Hi-Evolution 1 Collector’s Edition

Let me start with a rant. What the hell is it about the medium of anime and its frequent total disregard of continuity and consistency? This pissed me off with Tenchi Muyo back in the late 90’s/early 00’s when none of the OAVs, TV series, movies or manga shared any of the same universes. Why bother starting … Read more

Nekomonogatari: Black Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev wonders if his wife would allow him a cat-girl to call his own

After barely surviving incestuous orgasms via dental implements, I am happy to report that my experience of Nekomonogatari: Black (follow-up to my previously reviewed Nisemonogatari Part 1 and Part 2) involved significantly less oral perversion and 300% more non-jailbait cat-girls. Yay! This chapter flashbacks to events prior to the original Bakemonogatari’s first episode (whole series reviewed here and here), but is still not the first chronological … Read more

Nisemonogatari Part 2 Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev is grateful he never trained in Dentistry

Let’s get this part over and done with straight away then, shall we? I was warned about episode 8 of Nisemonogatari. Something about a toothbrush. A toothbrush? I thought. What can you do with a toothbrush that would be so objectionable? Does Araragi stick it up his sister’s butt or something? The show itself thankfully rules out that particular horror … Read more

Bakemonogatari Part Two Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev descends deeper into madness. And catgirls.

After narrowly surviving my first foray into the bizarre media maelstrom that is the Monogatari series (here), I have returned to relate my experiences from my brave plunge into the second half of the first segment. The Bakemonogatari Part 2 Blu-ray set contains 2 discs spanning episodes 9-15. There’s only 2 stories in this set – the 2 episode Nadeko … Read more

Bakemonogatari Part One Blu-ray Review: In which Doctorkev worries he has started something he might come to regret.

Despite being an anime fan since the age of 6, I have never watched a single episode of anything from the Monogatari series. In fact until recently I knew next to nothing about it, save it has a bizarre naming scheme that makes it difficult to find on alphabetised DVD store shelves, it was apparently broadcast out … Read more

Random Blu-ray Review: Giovanni’s Island

Watching Grave of the Fireflies, Isao Takahata’s rightly lauded film about two sibling children’s wartime experiences is an emotionally draining experience. Giovanni’s Island, a 2014 anime movie from Production I.G. is in a similar vein, though in truth it is mostly a post-war tale, also seen through the eyes of two young brothers. The film makes frequent … Read more