TAY 2 Game of the Year Awards

It’s that time of the year when everyone begins to think about what their favorite game of this year was.   Well, let’s all decide based on popular vote.  It’s democratic.  We’ll just insert an electorate comprised of myself and no one else, in between your popular vote and a winner to make things fair. For me.

…..ok ok fine. 
First up though before we get to any sort of voting, we know what the mainstream GOTY picks are.  But c’mon.  They put Hades on their to make it seem like they actually played any games beside Death Stranding this year (GENIUS).  So let’s have some reader based submissions for GOTY.  Go ahead and anonymously enter three of your favorite games from this year. 

Here’s a link if you, like me, need help remembering what games actually game out this year.

Linky doo

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