TAY Bytes: Markdown

A list of markdown codes

Long and short of it: We lost the ability to do nice an easy “button” based markdown when we lost our old comments. It can still be done but it’s a *little* more involved now. See what I did there?

Using the Asterisk key on the numpad or using Shift+8, we can modify our text in the following ways:

Bracketing with:

1 *: Italics
2 *: Bold

3 *: Bold Italic

You can use tilde (~ key) to strikethrough text by bracketing your text in two of them ~~strikethrough~~

You can make lists in one of two ways:

  1. Numbering a line adding an item and then hitting enter to create a numbered list
  2. Using the astericks key, writing an item and then hitting enter to create an unordered list

Finally you can use the ` tick (It’s above the tilde and it’s NOT the apostrophe key) to alter our text in a few different ways

1 : monospace

3 : codeblock

I know for discord there’s a big difference between 1 and 3 ` but I’m guessing that distinction is gone in wordpress comments. You can probably just use 1.

Hopefully that helps! The good news is some of this is shorthand that you can use when writing posts (I wish headings worked but sadly in the basic editor it does not seem to. Lists and codeblocks do though!

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There is a wordpress feature somewhere to enable full markdown support, but it think it's an either or - you use markdown OR the block based editor. I don't remember where that setting is though.

I use markdown to write class notes for my classes, so i like using the markdown editor, but I imagine most people will prefer the WYSIWYG editor.
3 years ago
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