TAY: Open Forum – Happy Birthday to Me

Nameless Bay by JoeyJazz - https://www.deviantart.com/joeyjazz/art/Nameless-Bay-887099957
Art by JoeyJazz

Welcome back to the Friday Open Forum! I’m your host, DisturbedShadow!

What’s going on, TAY? Today I have completed my 29th revolution around the sun. Has that much time passed already? I feel like it was just yesterday that a fresh-faced 21 year old DS made his first TAY post. It’s another low key birthday this year. With the Delta variant on the rise, we decided to do take-out again this year instead of going out, even though we’re all vaccinated. You can’t be too careful. We might have one of the highest vaccination rates in Massachusetts, but it’s better to be on the safe side. We’re trying to find someplace new to order from. We haven’t decided as if this writing, but I’ll be sure to report on the food later and let you know how it was. In other news, one of my friends from my Friday TRPG group is leaving for a three month Europe trip on Sunday, so tonight will be his last session with us for a while. We’ll be giving him a special little sendoff and figuring out what his character will be up to while the rest of the party continues their adventure.

Anyway, here are some topics for today:

  • How has your week been?
  • What was the last place you ate at/got takeout from? How was it?
  • What’s the last trip you went on?
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves about anything!

Here’s your Morning Jam!

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Didn't know I was a year older than you. Hope you had a nice low key time. Mines coming up in september but may be do8ng the same as you. Except for maybe picking uo some mead. Also thanks again for runnin spacemon.
@peepso_user_6(Novibear) A big one coming up for you then.
2 years ago
Happy birthday, DisturbedShadow!

Happy weekend, everyone! I hope that each and every one of you has had a great week so far as we all enjoy the final day of July.

**_How has your week been?_**
It wasn't anything special, unfortunately. Got stuck with a staggering amount of training that I had to do at the TV station I work at (swapping over to the _Ross Overdrive_ video system in two weeks), doing a ton of video editing (effectively doing the work of two to three people by myself all week due to low staffing levels), and not sleeping very well due to the stress invoked by my job. Thank god it is the weekend and I can enjoy two days away from all of that mess...I don't think I would have made it through another 9 hour day dealing with all of that again... o_O

**_What was the last place you ate at/got takeout from? How was it?_**
The last place I went to get some takeout from was a local Chinese/Japanese hybrid restaurant named **_The Rice Bowl_** last night. For the most part, their food is pretty good (they cook a mean _Sweet & Sour Pork_, _Lemon Chicken_, and _Honey Walnut Shrimp_), the prices are not too crazy, and they are _very_ generous with the fortune cookies they give you when you pick up your order from the front desk.

I had their _Sweet & Sour Pork_, some of their _Howard's Special Noodles_ (mixed with Chicken, Shrimp, and vegetables), and a small container of their wonton soup. It was pretty good, outside of the soup being a tad bit too salty.

**_What's the last trip you went on?_**
Man...it's been over five full years since my last trip anywhere (by that, I mean to anywhere more than 100 miles away from where I live). The last big trip (4 days, 4 nights) was going to Southern California to attend the two NASCAR races at **_Auto Club Speedway_** in _Fontana_ back in 2016. Below are a few images from my time at the racetrack:






**_As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves about anything!_**
Going to enjoy my two days off from work by dumping a bunch of hours into some of the following games (might get to three of them, tops):

**1. _A Plague Tale: Innocence_ (PS5)
2. _The Order: 1886_ (PS5 via the PS4 disk)
3. _Neptunia re:Verse_ (PS5)
4. _Azur Lane_ (iOS)
5. _Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots_ (PS3)**
@peepso_user_55(ShadowKnight508) thanks! Sounds tasty.
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