TAY: Open Forum – It’s About Time

I worked this weekend, so that didn’t leave much time for gaming. This is starting to become a trend – I feel like the last few OFs I have done, I have had something or other going on that has precluded much, or any, gaming activity.

I think this isn’t always a bad thing, but it does leave me with a little less to talk about on these forums than I would like. I spoke last week about growing up, and how sometimes that leaves precious little time for some of the activities we had a lot more time for years ago. A good example is massive, immersive RPGs like Skyrim – my first playthrough of it clocked something around 300 hours, and I can’t imagine spending that much time on a single game nowadays.

This has not stopped me from buying massive games. My most recent purchase was Cyberpunk, with the intention of using it’s popularity to write some interesting articles but alas. I lost interest in it pretty quickly and there is no shortage of writeups on that particular game. Maybe they will add some content to it down the line that might interest me, but I just did not find it to be worth my precious time. The world felt too flat and uninteresting and I simply had no real desire to spend much more time in it than I already had, 15 or so hours in. The hype around the game seems to have died off as well, and I’m not about to fall into the sunk cost fallacy.

Speaking of the sunk cost fallacy, there probably have been times where I’ve stuck with a game that I am not really enjoying either due to the amount of money or time I have invested in it. “Maybe I haven’t gotten to the good part yet.” I’ll tell myself, and maybe even convince myself I am enjoying this game when I want nothing more than to play something else.

I suppose this can be applied to just about anything, be it a career choice or a relationship, but in the context of gaming this probably happens a lot more than I think it does. I tend to prefer shorter games these days, since it’s less likely that I will convince myself that I’m enjoying it.

With that, TAY, riddle me this:

  • Have you ever played a game that you aren’t enjoying for longer than you should have hoping it would get better?
  • What is the most time you’ve spent on a single video game? Was it worth it?
  • How long, ideally, should a game be?
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

Your Monday Jam – one of my favorite renditions of the chocobo theme, if anyone knows what the budget for music in FFXIII was, I’d love to know too.

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The most time I've ever spent with a video game is DOTA 2. I have a couple thousand hours of my life that disappeared into that game and I never made it to the pros. The real DOTA2 was the friends we made along the way...like uh. ..Blitz and uhhh....Ramen, you know that guy right? Hrmmmm....what about Botcher? no?
OK Well it seems like everyone I used to play dota2 with has disappeared as well.
Speaking of MOBAs.....have you perhaps already downloaded mobile legends bang bang and added me? No? Well that's OK. But when League of Legends Wild Rift comes out I expect everyone to be practicing with me every day. Here's to another 20000 hours. TAY ESPORTS IS GO!

watching MHA and I just really love it. I watch it at 4am when I wake up so my emotions are not fully regulated yet so I will get all teary eyed at the sincere relationship between Midoriya and his classmates. This morning was the one where Tsu was like "hey remember that time I said if you did something you'd be as bad as the villains and then you did it anyway, well I've felt very awkward since then and don't wanna just go back to fun and games without mentioning that you guys hurt my feelings/I felt guilty for saying that" and I was like.....
Aikage shared a GIF
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) Oh yeah pokemon moba. i was actually looking forward to that! Googling the only information i find is from June 24th of last year. DOA?
I did find:
The YouTube video of the announcement quickly became the most disliked video on The Pokémon Company's YouTube channel.
so...maybe they decided to scrap it. Too bad.
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) RIP, I thought it looked alright! Didn’t realize the reveal was so poorly received, I remember writing about it on TAY when it happened. Not sure if I backed that one up..
3 years ago
**Have you ever played a game that you aren’t enjoying for longer than you should have hoping it would get better?**
Oh definitely. Sometimes I would just power through a short one to finish it even if I'm not having fun. I've stopped doing this now though as I've learned time is much more of a valuable resource. Since that revelation it has been much easier to drop games without worrying about what it cost.

**What is the most time you’ve spent on a single video game? Was it worth it?**
Mine might be Skyrim as well and yes.. it was definitely worth it. I played so much of that game when it came out and always had fun with it.

**How long, ideally, should a game be?**
I think maybe 10-15 hours for most games and like 20-30 hours for RPGs. Kind of like Outer Worlds. 300 hour games have their place but I don't have the time anymore to play a ton of those. I do want to play The Witcher III and Cyberpunk 2077 but other than those two I don't really have a 300 hour game on the horizon. I know I have a few others but I could probably do them in 100 hours or less if I stay more focused on main quests.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_35(RealmofDarthon) I love services like GamePass since they give you so many options and you have no sunk cost aside from your time to worry about if you aren’t enjoying a game.

For example, I tried Planetfall which looked like a game I would love since it’s basically Civilization X XCOM but dropped it quickly because it scratched neither itch. It had been on my Steam wishlist for months at that point and I likely would have spent more time with it buying it outright.

You’ve just made Outer Worlds sound a lot more compelling to me, 30 or so hours is a sweet spot for a longer game. Control was a bout that length, not too short but not too long.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) I also love Game Pass for that exact same reason. I got to try Outer Worlds on there and loved it so I say definitely give it a shot. It's Fallout in space. Long enough to be worth the price tag (if you paid for it) but short enough to not waste your time.
3 years ago
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