TAY: Open Forum: Lights Out!

I hope you all had a good weekend! Mine was rather eventful, but I won’t get into details. I didn’t get around to playing much video games, I had planned to on Sunday afternoon when I finally had some time off but our power went out and only came back on Midday today.

I usually laugh to myself when this happens as all my neighbors are bored to tears without internets or power, but alas I had not charged my Switch so got a taste of my own medicine this time around.

This made me realize that I have let myself go a little bit, my things are not as organized as they usually are. Usually my Switch dock is accessible and the Switch itself lives in there when I am not using it, but to be honest I think it’s been a month or so since I’ve used my beloved Nintendo as I have been playing games mostly on my PC.

I need to organize my things a bit more, and that usually involves getting rid of a whole bunch of stuff. I do it every few months when I realize I am not managing my space quite as well as I would like, and it’s gotten to that time again to declutter some. Maybe that way, my Switch will be ready for the next power outage – they have this thing called load shedding that happens every so often, essentially they initiate rolling blackouts when the power grid is under strain but it’s at least scheduled so you can make sure your Switch is charged when it happens. Last night’s outage was not planned, I suspect they stole a cable or some such but you never know. This is what happens when a government refuses to privatize electricity and also steals all the money that is meant to be used for maintenance and expansion.

I will share a story with you that could have ended badly: I had been playing with the cat last night and went to wash my hands and face before heading to bed, there was a candle on the basin and my hair caught on fire for a few seconds as I leaned in to rinse my face. I have a lot of hair, so luckily it isn’t noticeable at all, but it still scared the crap out of me. Candles can be dangerous! Do you think I can blame the government for my near miss?

Today’s Questions:

  • When did you last have a blackout?
  • What did you do while there was no power?
  • Do you think we are too reliant on electricity and electronics?
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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I'm surprised I didn't lose power with the crazy snowstorm we had last week. It was almost 2 ft overnight! But I like it when the power goes out, I've got a bunch of those little candles and I use them to read comics.

I'm off work right now so I'm playing a bit of Elite Dangerous and a bit of Dragon Age Inquisition. I've also booked some time a bit later to clean... we'll see how that goes. I did a bit yesterday. I definitely feel you on the clutter issue, it's a constant struggle. But I'm hoping I'll have my music studio set up by next week. Right now I've got a dresser and a bunch of books in the way, so I've gotta figure out where those go... It really never ends.
@peepso_user_12(pocoGRANDES) Candles are cool and everything, just try not to set yourself on fire like I did!

How are you finding Inquisition?

I tend to get rid of a bunch of things every so often, generally if I haven't used something in the last 6 months it's a pretty safe bet that I won't miss it. Sometimes it doesn't happen that way, on my last clean out I got rid of a USB type B cable that I thought I would never ever use and a week later I needed it for this little Yamaha amp so I can use it as a recording interface.

I had everything set up how I wanted it a few months ago, I just seem to have accumulated a bunch of stuff for whatever reason since then. It's nice when everything is ready to use and accessible, right now I have my keyboard stashed in a cupboard where I'd really like to have it out so I can use it on a whim. Hopefully I'll get around to setting everything up again over the next couple weeks.
3 years ago
**When did you last have a blackout?**
I honestly can't remember actually. The power lines are underground where I live so power doesn't get knocked out during storms. Kind of annoying since I had to cover 3 people at work one day when they all lost power due to snow.

**What did you do while there was no power?**
Umm.. probably played on my 3DS? Messed around with my phone. Slept. I really don't remember. It really has been a while.

**Do you think we are too reliant on electricity and electronics?**
Definitely but it's kind of a necessity for most of what we do now.

**As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!**
I finished The Signal DLC for Alan Wake. It was a good continuation of the story since the main game ended on a cliffhanger type ending. Now on to The Writer DLC to see if it wraps up the story. I'll be excited to finish this all up so I can jump back in to Control and do the AWE DLC since it supposedly connects to Alan Wake.
3 years ago