TAY: Open Forum – Learning Curves

Okay, I’m not Slinker but I am filling in for him today! I hope you have all had a great start to the week if, like me, you are working. If you’re lucky enough to be on holiday, I hope you are enjoying that.

Speaking of Slinker’s inspirational Skeletor memes, they were something I looked forward to each week and was one of those little things that kept me coming back to TAY back in the days before I started posting. I don’t know how many years it’s been, but at some point the Skeletor memes stopped and I don’t think I noticed until much later.

I think what made TAY so addictive was it gave me a space to talk about the video games I loved with people who possibly also enjoyed them, and I got to read about all sorts of different games and this in a way broadened my horizons leading me to try new games that I otherwise may not have. I didn’t really have any gamer friends IRL, even now very few of the people I call my friends are gamers. I guess you could say I found the community I needed, and have had some cool experiences in doing so.

The new site has been a bit of a learning curve, but I’m glad we pretty much didn’t miss a beat in the transition. I’d also like to apologize for missing my forum yesterday, thanks to Aikage for filling in!

Anyway, today’s questions!

  • Was there anything in particular that kept you coming back to TAY?
  • Has TAY ever motivated you to try a different kind of game than you would usually play?
  • Do you have many gamer friends IRL? What sort of games do you play together, if you do?
  • How has your experience been with the new site?
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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I was pretty bored, wanted to see if writing would be something that I’d like to dive into. It was not! But it seemed like a fun place to stick around. I like that there is a lot of diverse opinion and perspective here, more so than the other public gaming community I’m in. I think it is pretty funny to be the resident Souls guy here.
@peepso_user_27(Randomsome) I guess writing isn’t for everyone! I got the impression that the opinions found on TAY are much more trustworthy than those found elsewhere due to certain events that we won’t really talk about..
3 years ago
Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope that all of you are doing well on your ends this week as we count down the final few days of this hellish nightmare that has been 2020. Looking forward to welcoming the new year when it arrives on Friday (fingers crossed that 2021 ends up being a hell of a lot better than the disaster that 2020 has been to pretty much everyone).

**_Was there anything in particular that kept you coming back to TAY?_**
For me, it was all of the cool articles and features that I would find on the original TAY site. I used to lurk constantly on **_Kotaku_** on a regular basis, and when I learned about the TAY community, I decided to start lurking on the TAY page as well to see all of the user-generated content being created on a weekly basis. I took interest in reading all of the Open Forums, reading @peepso_user_45(DisturbedShadow)''s Spacemon articles, and checking out some of various anime-themed articles (the **_AniTAY_** stuff). After lurking for a year, I finally decided to become active in the TAY community by commenting on articles (usually the Open Forum posts). I do plan to one day contribute to the site with a few written posts each year, but for now, I am just here for the ride (reading, commenting on articles/posts).

**_Has TAY ever motivated you to try a different kind of game than you would usually play?_**
As of now, not yet. It has opened my eyes to a few games I was unaware of, but I have yet to play any of them.

**_Do you have many gamer friends IRL? What sort of games do you play together, if you do?_**
Sadly, I don't have any as of this post. My home internet (crappy and unreliable AT&T DSL) since April of 2018 has not allowed me to play games online (connection too unstable to play games online). This is why I have not played any of the online games I used to play (**_Team Fortress 2_** and **_iRacing_** on the PC, any online multiplayer game on the PS4) since then. Major bummer, but until I move somewhere that has better internet, it is something I have to put up with.

**_How has your experience been with the new site?_**
So far, it has been pretty good on my end. Love having a proper profile page with a banner image (_IJN Musashi_ from _Kantai Collection_), the site has been much faster since swapping to the current format (loads in less than 2 seconds), and I enjoy spending time with the awesome people on here. @peepso_user_20(Aikage) has done some excellent work getting the new TAY up and running the way it is, and I appreciate his hard work. Hopefully one day we can get a lot of active members to help grow our small community into something we can all be proud of (with a ton of great user-created content and interesting discussions).

Have a great Wednesday, everyone!
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) when?
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) I don't know but I really need to plan some. I'm bored with nothing to do, need to get some sort of ...something going. Trivia maybe....or PUMMEL PARTY GAME NIGHT...but no one owns pummel party
3 years ago
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