TAY Weekend: Whatcha playing?!?!

The Avengers in an action packed scene wearing face masks
Oh jeeze rick.

So Datacide is indisposed for a few weekends so I am here to pick up the slack to ask the burning question on everyone’s mind: Whatcha playing?

I usually am working on the weekends so I don’t get to play too many video games. Sometimes I’ll sneak one in at work using nVidia GeForce Now but I haven’t done that in awhile. Kidechka and I have been slowly going through Divinity 2: Original Sin and God does that game make it hard to let us love it.

I cannot begin to tell you how many times we’ve been randomly attacked by a mob of people because the game said so. There’s no real dialogue options to prevent the fight 99 percent of the time and if you’re in an area you’re not supposed to be yet, prepare to die. This is compounded by the game’s frankly, unacceptable autosave system. I’m sorry, it’s 2020, you should be autosaving every 10 minutes. I’ve lost HOURS of gametime to either dying or needing to reload for some other reason (lack of the prohibitively expensive resurrection scrolls for example). I feel like the game is punishing in all the ways that Divinity Original Sin 1 was and that’s too bad because the game is fantastic otherwise. I feel like it doesn’t really push the fights to get too creative in comparison to Divinity 1 and most fights just end up a conflagration no matter how they start – everything ends up on fire.

Next up Tomb Raider! We’re about 75% of the way through Tomb Raider and I’ve lost interest fast. A lot of it has to do with the story and how I get that Lara will have an about face, but for the last tens of hours, she’s been no better than the villain – “Hello indigenous people, I come to colonize! Give me your secrets so that I may steal them for the good of humanity!” Just feels kind of meh. Plus the brother sister Lannistar couple is meh as villains. They’re supposed to be sympathetic but I’m not feeling it when they’re both psychopaths.

This week I had another COVID scare. A woman I work with got it and was symptomatic on Monday. I’d spent the prior Thursday with her. According to the CDC she was only contagious on Saturday and Sunday then. HOWEVER. The guy she’s cheating on her husband with is also my coworker. While she was off on Monday he was not. To make matters worse I spent all day in close quarters with him. Hopefully he wasn’t yet contagious when I spent all that time with him. Worse still is he was being a complete jerk all day Monday joking about having COVID to tease me (because that’s the pinnacle of maturity). I have no symptoms so far so here’s hoping!
That’s a nice segue into the title image of the Avengers fighting COVID. The Kate Bishop DLC has come out for Avengers and reviews are generally glowing. Hopefully it reinvigorates the player base a little until Black Panther drops next month. That was a pretty fun single player game given an honestly unfair amount of black marks due to a rocky launch (At least it wasn’t delisted from every marketplace, right?!???)

Side note unrelated to this post: I removed the admin bar. Everything you needed it for is under the “user” menu. You can edit posts by clicking the “edit” button on posts you’ve written. It’s found under the comments on the left.

So what are you playing this weekend?

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I didn't get much gaming done this weekend, but I did meet someone even nerdier than I. We're going to start a Gloomhaven campaign at some point. These people are out there, but I only ever seem to meet them once in a while.

Sorry to hear about the covid scare, honestly it's ridiculous how some people behave. Just because they don't know anyone who has gotten seriously ill, or died from it, they act as if it's a big joke.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) well i'm usually in bed by like ten pm est i don't stay up too late. Id rather do it during the day but i'm not off on weakends so i don't know. Maybe we could just shoot for an hour a week or something
3 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) We could make it work, depending on what day you're off
3 years ago
I picked up Game Pass for PC. Now I have a ton of new games, so I played Dark Souls 3 because whoops!
@peepso_user_27(Randomsome) I think it's my favorite of the trilogy!
3 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) Managed to catch my friend playing last night, and a pretty good amount of online activity even without him. I think it maintains the largest player pool, which always keeps things spicy
3 years ago
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