TAY2: Open Forum – Scratching The Itch

Hi everyone, welcome to your Monday Forum!

This last week, I decided to give Pokemon UNITE a try. One would think that the market for MOBA type games is saturated enough that something like this wouldn’t gain much traction, but it seems that isn’t quite true.

What I found most refreshing about UNITE is that it leans more towards casual play. You don’t have to learn a whole bunch of builds and fiddle with seemingly countless items to dive in. Sure, there are elements of this but for the most part the game is straightforward and mostly gameplay oriented.

I used to play League of Legends quite a lot and sometimes I get the urge to play a few games. What holds me back usually is the fact that I will probably play like complete trash as the game is constantly changing between updates – last time I tried to play League so many things had changed and even jumping into the solo queue was a bit nerve-wracking. My favorite champions had been nerfed into the ground and I had no idea how any of the new ones worked, so as you can imagine I was stomped. Not fun at all.

I still believe this kind of game is best played with a mouse and keyboard, but since that isn’t an option here I must admit that it does well enough for what it is. I’m mostly sure that it’s a bit better than playing with a touch screen, but I guess we will find out in a couple of days when it’s released on mobile platforms.

Anyway, it’s time for some questions!

  • Which game, for you, is impossible to play without mouse and keyboard?
  • Is there a game that scratched a particular itch for you recently?
  • Are there any itches that you can’t seem to scratch?
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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You're Killin me 😜
Although I guess we wouldn't be able to play together anyway if you downloaded wild rift.
You should definitely try wild rift tho then join my guilded server dedicated to it guilded.gg/wildrift
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) We can try! Only trouble is we’re just about on opposite ends of the planet, so latency might rear its ugly head. As I was writing this, I was wondering if you’re still playing Wild Rift and I guess this answers my question lol
2 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) Heck yeaaaaahhhhhhh
Although Minecraft me hates Wild Rift me and vice versa. Both compete to make me waste all my time. I'm running out of things to do and build in minecraft so I'll probably ramp up wild rift again soon.
2 years ago
I can't play any games with a mouse and keyboard really. I tried playing a little bit of Elder Scrolls Online on a computer and it just didn't click for me with that control scheme. I'm so used to a controller. Never really been into MOBAs. Not huge on online multiplayer as a whole really. Too many toxic people online. Other than playing Halo online with my fiancee I don't really do that too often. Every once in a while I'll get in a Mario Kart match with some friends but that's about it really.

Cyberpunk 2077 has been scratching that FPS and RPG itch recently. It's interesting that you can go to most area but sometimes I'm underleveled compared to the enemies. Kind of reminds me of Skyrim in that aspect. I'll get lit up in a fight and know to come back there later instead.
@peepso_user_16(Stray) I ended up getting TES:O for my Xbox One so I just play it there with my controller. I'm sure I could have hooked up my controller to the computer but I think I just prefer playing on my tv anyways.
2 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) Ya, I play it on my Xbox now so I play it with a controller. I'm not a huge MMO person but I do play some TES:O and Destiny
2 years ago
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