TAY2: Open Forum – Secret Edition

It’s-a Me! It’s-a Monday Again~!

Today, let’s talk about hope. It’s still early enough in the year, that we can still hope for a good year. I did mention last week that we have a lot of great-looking games to look forward to this year, like Elden Ring.

I don’t quite know if I’m ready for another Soulslike, and with games like Triangle Strategy, Sifu and Pokemon Legends: Arceus all releasing around the same time I may not have to be.

That’s all a given. Even with these great titles to look forward to and talk about, it’s not unheard of for games developed in the utmost secrecy to be revealed mere months before their release. You don’t know it’s coming, but if you start to think about it you get that gentle sense of wonder akin to the feeling of testing a downpipe in Mario that may lead to a secret chamber or level.

This strategy generally relies on the game in question coming from a popular series, Metroid Dread is a good example of this. This narrows things down quite a bit, and I can only imagine how difficult it is to get this right since things get leaked on the regular.

This isn’t a bad thing, since it’s the kind of games we get most excited about that are able to pull this off. Elden Ring is a good example, too – while we have gotten a bunch of new info about the game over these last few months, relatively little was known about it before then. It’s easily one of the most hotly anticipated titles of the year, in spite of this.

The danger here lies in games not quite living up to the expectations, no matter how ludicrous, of the fanbase. I suppose this is one good reason we have not seen another entry into the Chrono series, with a vocal portion of the fan base outright panning Chrono Cross which happens to be one of my all time favorite games. I only found out about the backlash many years after I played the game, and by then my opinion of it had long since crystallized.

With that, I have formulated a few decently good questions for your answering pleasure –

  • Which game did you love, despite popular disapproval?
  • Which series do you think is hurting the most for a new entry in 2022, the kind that would require minimal marketing to succeed commercially? No matter how far fetched!
  • Daemon X Machina is free on Epic! Not a question, just thought you might want to know.
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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I liked killer 7 a lot although it seems to have gone largely niche. Another one that I would love to see a next gen sequel to is American McGee's Alice. That game was great at the time I loved the aesthetic. They're making a TV show which I have low hopes for but hopefully it'll do well enough to rekindle some interest in the series
2 years ago
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