TAY2: Open Forum – Let The Games Begin!

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for the week ahead! The Olympics are in full swing over in Tokyo, and while watching the opening ceremony might be something of a drag I’m sure many of you might have noticed (or heard) that the soundtrack featured many iconic songs and themes from video games, which might just make it the coolest Opening Ceremony in history!

While I’ve never been too interested in sports, it’s always been kind of interesting to watch the games every few years and see some of humanity’s finest athletes compete against each other and do things that I could never dream of doing.

Another cool thing is the Google doodle this last week, Champion Island Games. It’s the first time to my knowledge a doodle has actually been a playable game, a well-crafted and fun to play one at that.

It’s quite amazing how video games and the culture surrounding them has grown to this point where the songs are being used in massive international events like this, with nobody so much as raising an eyebrow or batting an eye. Sure, it’s a safe bet that many people watching have no idea where this music comes from, but it’s still something that could never have happened 20 or so years ago when I was a kid discovering great music from games like Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger.

Anyway, I’ll keep it short and sweet this week. Here’s some questions!

  • What is your favorite video game song?
  • Are you an athlete? What kind of sports do you do?
  • What kind of ice cream do you like?
  • As always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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**What is your favorite video game song?**
First thing that comes to mind is The Best Is Yet To Come from Metal Gear Solid. **Spoiler Alert** When the music kicks in Metal Gear Solid 4 during your visit to the location from the first game.. amazing.

**Are you an athlete? What kind of sports do you do?**
I'd like to say yes. Definitely used to be more of one than I am now. Used to play soccer, basketball and run track. I still play soccer twice a week most weeks but not in the shape I used to be in. Still fun to play with friends though.

**What kind of ice cream do you like?**
Can I answer all of them? Favorite is probably mint chocolate chip though.

**As always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!**
That Google Doodle is pretty awesome. They've had one or two other playable ones but they were like Snake or very simple things. Never as in depth as the current one.
2 years ago
Somewhat later than I wanted to post (was going to reply on Tuesday, but my busy schedule didn't give me enough time to do so), but happy Thursday, everyone! I hope that each and every one of you have had a good week so far on your end as the month of July draws to a close. Wish I had more time to be active on here (would love to write an article at least once a month for TAY), but I hardly have any free time anymore (crunching 42 to 48 hour weeks at work, learning the new **_Ross Overdrive_** system our station is swapping over to, doing special coverage on the **_2020 Tokyo Olympics_**, etc).

**_What is your favorite video game song?_**
Oh boy...that is a really hard one for me to answer. There are so many wonderful and amazing songs that I have heard in my 26-ish years of being a gamer it would be hard to pick out just one. Instead, I'll post my current Top-3 video game songs (as of 7/29/2021):




**_Are you an athlete? What kind of sports do you do?_**
Sadly, I was never the athletic type in my younger days (primarily due to being overweight and having issues with my knees because of it). I would have liked to be a football player back in my four years of high school, but my poor math grades in 9th, 10th, and 11th grade (all F's) would have prevented me from ever being allowed on the team (you had to have a C+ or higher average in all of your classes in order to play sports in my high school, thus I wouldn't get to be on the team).

**_What kind of ice cream is your favorite?_**
There are many different flavors of ice cream that I enjoy every now and then, but you can't go wrong with a great **_Rocky Road_** ice cream (especially when there is a proper amount of roasted almonds in it).


**_As always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!_**
Looking forward to the weekend, for this current week at work has been rough on my end (low staffing levels, so I am stuck doing the work of roughly 3 people every day in addition to suffering through bothersome training sessions that put a major hurt on my productivity levels).

When the weekend does roll around, I will resume my hunt for the platinum trophies in both **_A Plague Tale: Innocence_** **(PS5)** and **_The Order: 1886_** **(PS4)**. Got some games on my backlog to knock out before the _Director's Cut_ of both **_Ghost of Tsushima_** and **_Death Stranding_** arrive for the **PS5** over the next two months to look forward to as well.

Here is my **_PSN Profiles_** page if anyone is interested in seeing the games I play (where it keeps track of all of my gaming stats): https://psnprofiles.com/MossyOakRcn42

Well, the hour grows late (nearly 1:50 AM PST here in California), so I will bid you all farewell for now. Have a great rest of your week, everyone!
2 years ago
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