Thankful Thursday 5: Greener On The Other Side

I’m pretty bad at doing these regularly, so I’ll just do them randomly when I remember. Anyone who wants to pick up the slack from time to time – feel free!

It’s been a tough week – we had a break in in the early hours of Tuesday morning which absolutely shattered my recovering sleeping schedule. I was too anxious to sleep last night, with every little sound in the night playing on my mind. I’m feeling pretty beat, but thankfully nobody was hurt.

Living in a country with such a high crime rate isn’t a walk in the park. That said, every place has it’s problems. Having lived in the US for a little while, I know that all too well. That was a while ago, and recent events have only made things worse just about everywhere.

I’m strongly considering my options for leaving this country – being a fairly typical middle class worker, I am a prime target for crimes of all kinds. This is the second time in the last few weeks crime has hit so close to home, and if that isn’t cause for alarm, I don’t know what is. The way I see it, it’s not a matter of “if”, but “when”. With the tendency for crime to turn violent over here in Sunny South Africa, particularly within the nucleus of the Gauteng Province, blissful ignorance is not an option. There is good reason the province is nicknamed “Gangster’s Paradise”.

In the midst of all this, there are things to be thankful for, so here goes:

Obvious: After recent events, I’m grateful for the wake-up call. It’s time to make some tough but necessary choices.

Bigger Picture: Infection rates seem to be on a steady downward trend, the economy is picking up a little. There is hope!

Smaller Picture: I’m grateful for TAY, and all the weird and wonderful characters found here. The lively discussions on Discord are always entertaining and sometimes even informative.

Over to you – what are you grateful for?

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