Who Is The Double Jump Master? Not Doom Guy!

Rufus Scott wrote a fun article yesterday, and I think he was a little hard on poor Kratos, so I’m here to defend Kratos and look at some of the best double jumpers I can think of, giving you my opinion on the matter.

Rufus mentioned Doom Guy, who has a really good and reliable double jump. I have to agree, but I wonder if he could manage Kratos’ double jump without his rocket boots? Still, I have to agree that Doom Guy is a strong contender for Double Jump King, but I don’t think he’s right up there.My experience with Mario’s double jumping has been mainly under or over-shooting every other platform he leaps to. His journey from one place to another is very much a trial-and-error affair. – Rufus Scott

Similarly, Rufus mentioned Mario having incredible acrobatic skills, but often missed the mark. I have to agree once again, he does miss the mark quite often, but his jumps often require a specific one of his many kinds of jumps and very specific timing to be successful.

I’d also like to take a bit of a cheap shot and mention that Mario was named Jumpman, and while Doom Guy’s jumps are powerful, accurate and strong, they are very mechanical and in my opinion objectively not as good as Mario’s jumps. Mario doesn’t even need boots!

I can think of a few more –

The Pres – Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV is a wacky game to begin with – your character is the President of the United States, has superpowers and fends off an alien invasion almost single-handedly. You also have an insanely powerful double jump by virtue of said superpowers. It’s not always accurate, but it’s fun leaping from building to building like it’s nothing.

Samus Aran – Metroid

Nintendo’s best girl also has a mega powerful DJump, which can also be used offensively. I guess she would lose some points because her double jump also relies on tech, namely her space boots, but it’s still a powerful ability and much better than Doom Guy’s.

Jesse Faden – Control

Control is a beautiful, if mind-bending game, taking place in a clandestine government agency inspired by the SCP Foundation. Jesse Faden gathers strange artifacts, one of which gives her the ability to telepathically enhance her jumps, and while Jesse isn’t even close to Mario she still has a powerful and fluid double jump. It just works really well and allows her to traverse considerable distances with a decent elevation.

Jett – Valorant

Jett is considered by some to be a pretty annoying character to have on your team, her abilities don’t really benefit anyone except herself but using her Updraft ability after a jump gives her the best and, to my knowledge, only double jump in Valorant. Coupling that with her Tailwind ability lets Jett get into some unexpected positions, catching enemies offguard. This can be pretty devastating in the right hands, Jett is very good at pushing and contesting territory.

Again, not the strongest DJ, but I think Jett gets extra points for style and utility. I also have to give her some more credit since she uses her innate abilities to achieve this, and not small pp rocket boots like Doom Guy.


That’s right! He jumps higher than Mario, but is pretty clumsy. He is much more athletic than Mario, too, so it really goes to show that confidence is key – Mario gets the spotlight because he believes in himself, and Luigi steals the show every time when he does too.

These are just a few I can think of, who do you think is the double jump king? Feel free to rebuff my writeup, or you can take Rufus’ side on #tayclassic and I will be sure to share it over here on TAY. As always, thanks for reading!

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