DnD on the Discord

Scary Red Dragon

I am planning on running several (depending on interest) one shot adventures. These will be extremely random and silly (d10000 wild magic table) and probably end with everyone dead at the end of session two or three. Sessions will hopefully last between one and a half and two hours. Everyone will start as a first level commoner with 6 hit points. I will do almost no planning. Everything will be randomly generated 20 minutes before we start or as we play. I can only handle 4-5 people in a group at a time. No knowledge of mechanics needed. There will be no character sheets.

I now have a theme for the first session, courtesy of Roslyn Sable. The first session will be 21 Jump Street, but at Hogwarts and your playing muggle cops. Everybody gets a “wand”.

I am thinking Wednesdays between 7:30-ish to 9pm-ish Eastern. My schedule is flexible, however. The only day I can’t DM is Thursdays.

I am considering using the new server on Guilded as it has better scheduling functions and I like the layout better. Anyone who is interested can contact me here or on the discord.

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This sounds really interesting. I'm not sure I'll have the time to play but at some point in the future I would love to try. I have no knowledge of mechanics so this would be good
3 years ago
I’m in. One shots sound amusing.
3 years ago
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