TAY: Open Forum – From The Ashes

Hi TAYter tots, hope you all had a great weekend! We had some great memes from the whole Ever Given incident, and I sincerely hope your PS5 or GPU was not aboard that ship.

I was kind of bleak last week, and once again, my sincere apologies! I’m doing my level best to get better, and be more positive. Emerge from the ashes, as it were, like Fawkes the Phoenix, or whichever of his kind you prefer.

Oftentimes with video games and the other stuff we love like anime and manga, our favorite series or hero will go through a rough time but will always come back stronger and better than before. Not so much with actual video game series, some just become real stinkers, but if you love Shonen as much as I do, you’ve seen this aplenty and it’s always inspiring – so long as it’s not too reliant on overused tropes. Then again, sometimes I find comfort in familiar tropes and character arcs, usually the writers aren’t lazy enough just to copypasta the whole thing.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few video game franchises that have hit a slump in their lifetimes. Some have argued that Dark Souls II was this for the series, while it was one I enjoyed the most. Some have said the same about Final Fantasy XIII and it’s sequels, while they were also games I enjoyed tremendously.

I guess this goes to show that even when you think you’re at your worst, someone else likely still appreciates you for who and what you are. As humans, we are such complex beings and get caught up thinking we’re the worst for a few mistakes, but the truth for most of us, in my opinion, is that we are always trying our very best with what we have.

  • Have you ever written off a video game series that you love, only for a new release to capture your heart again?
  • Name a character who went through hell and came back stronger than before?
  • What are you having for dinner tonight? I’m having spaghetti bolognese, I might even share pics on Discord! I love it!
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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Something from the outside.. lol, that’s such a post corona thing to say.

Funny you mention Pokémon, X/Y clicked with me much more than SwSh did. I enjoyed my play of the latter but it just became kinda boring after a while. I think because it was a half departure from the original formula but didn’t do enough to make it exciting for me. There are still things I love about X/Y that the newer games haven’t quite done as much with, I loved the minigames like Head It and the super training was also kinda fun. Can’t really replicate that with a single screen, I guess.

I did enjoy SwSh, don’t get me wrong! It was just a weird combination of not traditional enough but also not modern enough. a weird in between.

3 years ago
I like pokemon as an idea but i'd never be caught dead playing it.
Man today has been a day!
So busy
I even tried to sneak a game of League of Legends: Wild Rift in at lunch but was interrupted by a colleague to do work stuff. I ended up getting an AFK penalty :(

Side tangent, if you put buttercreme frosting on a brownie and then freeze it, it's probably the greatest thing in the universe. It's really really good if you're into brownies. Basically turns into fudge.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) Why tho, Furbs? You could probably play through the story and get your fill of it, at least. Although I’d argue the true Pokémon experience is usually postgame.

Ugh, having your lunch break interrupted is the worst! AFK penalty just salts the wound. I rarely game in my lunch breaks, but when I do it’s usually something turn based that can be interrupted if I want to look at memes or respond to a message for a few minutes also.

I like brownies, and I like fudge so that’s something I think I have to try!
3 years ago
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