OPEN FORUM: Oops I forgot to post

Hey I went to bed early and forgot to write a thing.

I am at work on break right now.

Been hunting the Bayonetta 3 collectors edition.

My sisters getting a digital ps5 bundle.

I have been doing light gaming on my daily mmo/mobile stuff still

Also been playing Stream Raiders with some communities

Its like a game where the streamer is the tactician and viewers drop units to help when the fight

other than that not much happening. Just waiting on the ps5 and to see if Digimon Survive is real.

Anyway Talk Amogusta Yineseefs

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I beat Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II and moved on to TimeShift. It's a decent FPS game with a cool time mechanic. You can slow down, pause, or reverse time. I'm sure when this came out it was way cooler than playing it now but it's not a bad game to play. Still going strong on Witcher 3 on my Switch. Also just found my Gameboy Advance SP and might start Golden Sun back up during some commuting.
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