TAY Weekend: Whatcha Playing?

Acumen also can’t decide what to play with all these new releases

Hello good people of TAY! It’s the weekend, and I’m out here taking liberties. The August 2022 new games lineup is fantastic, so I wanted to talk about that.

Lots of great-looking new games have come out this year, and there are no signs of it letting up! Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is out, we’ve also got Digimon Survive! Let’s not even talk about the smash-hit cat game Stray as if it’s an afterthought – 2022 has been good.

Sure, there’s a lot of other stuff going on in the world of gaming and the world at large, but if you’re like me holed up for the weekend and planning to plug away at some games then why not tell us what you’re playing below in the comments?

As for me, I’ve been playing V Rising a bunch. Well, I’ve not had a chance to play much this week because life gets in the way but I am getting back into it today. I am also strongly considering picking up Survive, I just cannot resist! I am trying my best, but it’s a tactical RPG with Digimon. Bandai Namco certainly knows how to tug at my heartstrings.

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I am playing nothing...I finished Elden Ring like a few weeks ago and since then I have been hopping between games not really finding anything that keeps me going for more than a night. I want to play another Yakuza game, but not sure if I want to try the new one or keep playing through the older ones.
@peepso_user_44(HyConnor) I get you dude. A lot of games look interesting to me right now, but I end up playing the ones I know I like.. I do want to experience new things but it's not easy to justify buying new games for me. I could definitely play another Yakuza game, I played 0 first.. not sure if that's okay, lol. They're great, I love the goofy humor. Might be just what I need!
1 year ago
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