TAY: Open Forum – Anybody Out There?

Welcome back to the Friday Open Forum! I’m your host, DisturbedShadow!

Last week’s forum didn’t have many people comment. Anybody out there? Come say hi! It’s been a bit of a mixed bag this week. I got the first shot of my COVID vaccine on Monday, which is great. My state had a bit of a rocky start with the vaccine rollout, which was kind of a surprise given how well they’ve handled the pandemic in general so far, but things seem to be smoothing out now. I’m glad to have my first dose for sure, but I still need to get my second one in about a month. I’m also relieved that my dad got his first one as well and that my mom has had both of hers. It’s one thing to breathe easy about when there’s so much other crap going on.

Also, apparently the guy who handled the paperwork when I got my shot recognized my name as a writer which was kind of surreal. I don’t use my real name directly on TAY in my writing, so I guess he recognized me from Twitter or something? Either way, I’m not sure how to react to it. It was just so unexpected. I wish I had been able to ask what writing of mine he’d read. Missed opportunities.

Sadly, this week also brought us here at TAY the news that Zarnyx has to step away. Hopefully the rest of us that remain can keep this site going as long as we can. It would be a shame to say goodbye after the work we’ve all done to save it. Come leave a comment and keep the dream alive.

Anyway, enough about me. Here are some topics for today:

  • How has your week been?
  • What’s something good that happened to you recently?
  • Have you ever been in a surreal situation? How did you handle it?
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves about anything!

Here’s your Morning Jam!

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It's a fun one. Been getting into them recently. Wasn't familiar with much of their work outside the big hits like "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We Will Rock You," "Somebody To Love," etc. or ones covered by other artists (Metallica's "Stone Cold Crazy" cover comes to mind) until very recently lol. They've got a surprising diversity to them, including some real heavy tracks I didn't expect.

I agree, your mom sounds cool. My mom didn't go to a lot of concerts back in the day, but she does have some cool stories, like seeing Lyndard Skynard perform in her high school auditorium or gym I forget which back when that was the kind of venue bands played lol, or seeing Deep Purple with the classic Mk. II lineup in like 72/73 when they were touring in support of the Machine Head album (the one with Smoke on the Water). Cool stuff.

Congrats on finishing the art! It's been cool seeing you constantly making progress. I wish I could be half as productive on my own projects lol.
@peepso_user_45(DisturbedShadow) Ha, don't be fooled, I'm really not that productive. Just...stubborn at this point.
@peepso_user_43(thegeekempress) More productive than me at any rate lol.
3 years ago
It's really cool that someone recognized you for your writing, that must feel kinda special.

How has your week been?

Mixed bag, had some time off but then really stressful things started happening.. Nice weekend though! but I am kinda dreading tomorrow when reality kicks back in.

What’s something good that happened to you recently?

Gosh, tough one. I guess seeing my dermatologist on Monday was nice, my skin is pretty bad so hopefully the treatment I'm on will sort that out some.

Have you ever been in a surreal situation? How did you handle it?

A few times, I guess. The ones I remember the most basically were just me feeling surprised that I was still alive - had a near miss at work once where my body just did it's own thing and had I made one wrong move that day I would have literally been mincemeat. When it was all over, I remember looking at my feet wondering if I was dead, then my legs just gave out under me. I went home shortly after that. Another time I nearly got washed down a river, was saved by a friend and as we got to the bank there were a bunch of dudes with rifles waiting for us - turns out we were tresspassing. I don't remember much after that.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) I just don't know what he would've read and now it's going to bother me for a long time lol.

Holy shit that sounds scary, both stories.
3 years ago
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