TAY: Open Forum – Demonstrations

To those of you happening upon this page, hello! Let’s talk a bit about game demos.

Whenever I’ve wanted to explore whatever is out there in the gaming space, but not spend much money in order to do so, I could count on at least a few demos to hold me down. That has come in various forms over the years: Some of those Playstation demo discs through which I could get a taste of Square RPG’s like Final Fantasy VIII and Xenogears, or a bit of one of the Resident Evils. Game station kiosks in Blockbusters, Best Buys, or Targets.

And in the digital age, such are the joys of the cutting-edge, that game demos can now even be downloaded straight to one’s console or computer! That’s how I’ve gotten acquainted, most recently, with the upcoming battle management strategy roguelite Loop Hero. I saw that Vinesauce streamed a playthrough of the demo–the game comes out in full on March 4–and the combination of intriguing artwork and stupid “loop hero sounds like guitar hero lol” brainthoughts compelled me to check it out. What I saw indicated that it would hit many of my personal sweet spots.

Well, with a demo available, I could find that out myself for sure! Thus, I downloaded it, and as of now have sunk close to three hours in it. All for the price of free. And yep, that stuff is my jam! A little object placement like some kind of SimCity or Tycoon game? Movement and battling that commences automatically? Gradually collecting weapons, armor, and equipment, then tinkering with which pieces to equip on my character for satisfactory results? Yes, please!!

So I’ve now ventured to get the game in full. It should be well worth the approximately $13 to fully sink my teeth into.

At some point, I’ll also have to delve into the Project Triangle Strategy demo that was put out on the Switch. It’s gotten quite good buzz so far, and I eventually need to witness whether or not it might truly take up the Final Fantasy Tactics mantle.

Today’s questions:

  • What game demos have you played recently, if any, and did they strike your fancy?
  • Do you have any video makers, websites, writers, critics, personalities, etc. to which you turn to find out about games and/or get recommendations?

And, as always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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My latest find is Lemon Cake. its a cute game where you run a bakery.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_6(Novibear) is it h?
3 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) no just wholesome made by a one woman indie dev
3 years ago
What game demos have you played recently, if any, and did they strike your fancy?

Last few demos I tried, even though I liked them well enough, didn't really inspire me to buy the full game. You mentioned Project Triangle Strategy, which looks like a game I will love. I may well try that demo. I remember enjoying Octopath's demo but then deciding I didn't enjoy it enough to actually buy the full game.

Do you have any video makers, websites, writers, critics, personalities, etc. to which you turn to find out about games and/or get recommendations?

TAY, of course! I kind of lost faith in Kotaku at some point and started lurking TAY a lot more when it was still part of Kotaku and found that the reader-run community was much more relatable and also in a way more genuine, I also discovered a lot more off-the-beaten-path type games and began interacting with people who enjoyed similar styles of games. I'll sometimes look up "let's plays" on YouTube or something if I'm on the fence, but there's nobody in particular I turn to.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) Yeah I really appreciate that a lot of TAY is into game genres that I'm not (even if I gripe about the amount of fighting game content sometimes it DID get me to try Guilty Gear at one point). Also love that people are into indie titles that would completely slip under my radar if not for people posting or talking about them.
3 years ago
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