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LeBron James in Space Jam: A New Legacy

It’s been a mighty busy couple of weeks, everyone. Thus, I’m going to be a little on the short side this week. Two weekends in a row of larger-scale family visits will do that to a person, perhaps. As my wife has frequently lately, darn us for getting the vaccine, because now we’ve got no more built-in excuses for avoiding people!!

Just as I thought, though, they ultimately ended up being pretty good times. We each got to see family that we’d not seen in a long while–particularly my wife’s baby nephew, who’s begun talking since we last saw him a year ago–and the centerpiece of that second weekend was a pig roast, which is a rather novel experience. All that said, though…phew!!! We need a break!

Fortunately, we should indeed be getting that very soon. Next week is going to be totally free from work, and it’s going to include a solid half a week of lodging and chill activities for just the two of us in the non-city limits portion of New York. I’ve always wanted to delve into the more scenic side of the state but never thought of a good time to commit to that, so this seems like the perfect time to finally make it happen. I’m looking forward to this a bunch.

As for other cool life things…and on the exact opposite vibe of our small-town nature-enjoyer plans…my new laptop came in a couple of days ago!! And unlike my thoroughly modest intentions for my last laptop, which I consistently used for the last eight years now, I decided to splurge a bit on a real beaut. I’ve entered the world of gaming laptops with an ASUS, as a card-carrying citizen of the Republic of Gamers now, I guess.

Boot-up screen featuring the Republic of Gamers logo for RedStripe118's new ASUS ROG Strix G15 laptop

It’s buckwild just how much faster and smoother this thing is than my Toshiba, as reliable as the older system still is. I got to play a mainline Superhot game with an acceptable framerate for the first time ever after five years with the series, and it was transformative. I can even feel every single one of those 144 Hz when observing my mouse pointer zip across the screen, of all things, and it’s still weirding me out but in a good way. Thus far, I’m a satisfied man.

Yesterday was also a day of considerable fictional storytelling media. We finished the last two episodes of that Loki show, for one. Verdict? It was pretty alright, but we both agree that it’s the weakest of the few Marvel shows that have come out thus far. That’s in large part because it was the most Marvel-y in that comic-booky setting-shit-up-for-the-future way, which does not appeal to us that much, especially when it’s seemingly at the expense of delivering full-on satisfying narrative/thematic/character payoffs. It was still fun, though! Sylvie’s real cool; would be nice to see some more of her!

And we also saw that new Space Jam: A New Legacy! Verdict? Well, we both liked the original and would still return to it happily these days, and we enjoyed this one as well! Pales in comparison to the original in some pretty fundamental ways, that’s for sure. And I’m also extremely creeped out by all the whole “throw every entertainment IP at the wall for reptile-brain Pavlovian responses” business that Warner Bros. keeps repeatedly coming back to after The Lego Movie did them good business. But damnit, despite it all, there was still plenty of fun and zany inventiveness leading to a good popcorn muncher.

I think that might be enough #content for a period of time, though. Also, GREAT JOB not actually “keeping it short” yet again, Justin!!!

Today’s questions:

  • Y’all got any Loki thoughts?
  • What about any Space Jam thoughts?
  • …should we even touch on the ethics of somebody possibly being sexually or romantically drawn to an alternate-universe version of themselves or should we just be smart human beings with common sense and go “lol fuck going near that shit”

And, as always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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**Y’all got any Loki thoughts?**
So we're only through the first 3 episodes due to my fiancee being so busy with work but enjoying it so far. I skipped your whole paragraph on it as to not potentially subject myself to spoilers. So far so good though! Tom Hiddleston seems to really enjoy playing this character.

**What about any Space Jam thoughts?**
Haven't seen the new one yet but I have low expectations going in so I won't be disappointed if it's not amazing and could be pleasantly surprised. I'm back to seeing things in theaters but it's nice that I can watch this one at home if I want to.

**…should we even touch on the ethics of somebody possibly being sexually or romantically drawn to an alternate-universe version of themselves or should we just be smart human beings with common sense and go “lol fuck going near that shit”**
Um.. what? haha. I'm assuming this has to do with Loki and Sophie. Seems like if you like yourself then you'd like a female version of yourself... unless you're too alike? Hmm.. that is an interesting question

Hope you enjoy upstate NY! Every time my fiancee and I pretend to look for homes on Zillow it is in the Catskills region. Closeby to NYC in case we need to commute but far enough away that it's a nice secluded area because people can be terrible.
2 years ago
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