TAY: Open Forum – Other Side of the Equinox

A row of leaves in a gradient of colors, from green, to shades of yellow, to shades of orange, and finally to shades of red

Yesterday was the Autumn Equinox for the Northern (i.e. my) Hemisphere, and the Spring Equinox for the Southern Hemisphere. Which means that where I’m at IT’S OFFICIALLY AUTUMN BABYYYYYY!!!!11!!!1!

Hopefully the actual weather catches up with the season soon and begins to consistently feel like autumn, too. I’m tired of the heat. It’s not even been all that bad lately here in Jersey! But it can still go away at its earliest possible convenience; I’m so ready for the cool air to take its place full time.

I’m also ready for spooky season. I believe the plan at the household over here is to start decorating for Halloween festivities sometime next week. There’s also something hopefully neat in store around my birthday next month, which is set to include an outdoor fall festival/fair where one of the main attractions is a nighttime walk through a path made up of lit Halloween decorations. I think it’s supposed to sort of be like one of those drive-thru Christmas lights exhibits, except on foot and with way more pumpkins, skeletons, witches, and eerie orange hues.

Here’s to hoping that the things in store end up good! With the last year to two we’ve been having, we’ve seriously got to count our wins and blessings wherever we can find them.

Today’s questions:

  • What do autumns in your area tend to be like? And how much of an autumn fan are you?
  • The Four Seasons, Ranked.
  • Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, Ranked.
  • Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts vs. Four Seasons Total Landscaping.
  • There seems to be more of an insistent push these days to start the Halloween season in early September, I guess because if Christmas can do it what’s to stop the prior holiday from doing it too. Are you for or against such a proposal?

And, as always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!

Today’s Morning Jam:

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Seasons Ranked:
1. Fall
2. Winter
3. Summer
4. Spring

Let's be real, everyone thinks spring is so nice like oh flowers and whatnot but you know as well as I do that as people who live in the NE USA Spring means 1 thing: lots of mud and endless cleaning.
Also in Rochester the temperate weather one associates with Spring is all of 3 or 4 days before it's "Spring but actually 95 degrees outside"
2 years ago
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