TAY: Open Forum – Pepper Steppers

The Pepper Steppers team, Jullien and Marquan, from their appearance on the Supermarket Sweep revival

Yesterday, Hulu reminded Sandra that the recent Supermarket Sweep revival exists. Thus, she put on the sole episode currently available–the first episode of season two, with no trace of season one findable–and we had a good time of it.

It’s a charming, likeable experience! It lays on the corniness and the cheese, as perfectly befits the Supermarket Sweep lineage, without forcing or overselling it; the facepalms, when they land, are expressions of bemused embarrassment, not disgust. Leslie Jones is good as the host, too, mixing upbeat enthusiasm with the occasional surprisingly savage quip to good effect. And, most importantly, the final Big Sweep where everyone’s trying to stuff as much shit into their carts as possible and carry back oversized inflatable toys continues to still be as much of a riot as it was in the early 1990’s.

It also breaks all conventions of logic and good sense at times. Case in point: Pepper Steppers.

The three competing pairs of contestants get to make up team names for themselves now. Jullien and Marquan, as can be seen here, took that opportunity to fashion themselves as…the Pepper Steppers. Complete with a rehearsed yet somewhat uncoordinated and nonsensically bonkers team chant of “Black pepper!! Cayenne pepper!! LEMON PEPPER!!!!”

WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN??? Why are you listing THREE VARIETIES OF PEPPERS when there are only TWO OF YOU???!!!!!!

They then spent the rest of the game not adding any more time to their starting two minutes for the Big Sweep, and then ending their Big Sweep in a clear, unambiguous third place. It was wonderful.

I hope the show stays just as nuts in the weeks ahead.

Today’s questions:

  • Did you grow up watching game shows like I did, and if so, which ones had your attention?
  • What are the best game shows?
  • What are the best game show theme songs?

And, as always, Talk Amongst Yourselves!

Today’s Morning Jam:

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Price is Right is the game show of choice as a kid. Watch some Jeopardy here and there more recently.

Also that Jeopardy song is pretty iconic
2 years ago
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