TAY2: Open Forum – Spoiled For Choice

Greetings, TAYters! I hope you all had the most wonderful weekend you possibly could have, and that you’re ready for another week!

I remember in my early years of gaming, getting something new to play was always something special. The video game industry has rapidly evolved since then and now we have more choices than ever before. Gone are the days where you’d have to find your way to a store, possibly plead with your folks to buy you the game you want or spend your hard earned cash, or failing that you could rent it or borrow it from a friend and hope to finish it before you needed to return it.

Something new is just a click away. We don’t even have to leave our houses anymore to get a new game (provided you have a decent internet connection) and there are constantly new games coming out each and every day.

If only everything in life were as simple as getting a new game these days, but current technology is a victory for introverted gamers everywhere.

The only trouble is, it’s difficult to choose what I want to play most days! Xbox Game Pass was discounted again, so I subscribed for the month and am considering getting back into Yakuza, starting with Kiwami and then Kiwami 2. I’m not Hatman, so my playthrough will be fairly casual. I could definitely use some of the goofy humor.

Anyway, I’ve got a day off tomorrow so I plan to take full advantage of that and chill out. Let’s hope I don’t spend more time choosing what to play than actually playing!

  • Do you usually know which game you feel like playing?
  • What video game series do you miss? I’m going to go with Metroid, starting to think Prime 4 is a hoax!
  • Are you usually good at choosing what you want to watch or play? I give up sometimes.
  • As always, feel free to Talk Amongst Yourselves!

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Do you usually know which game you feel like playing?
-Not always. I grew up obsessing over one game at a time because that was all I had, so it is definately weird now having so many options but feeling like I should continue my current game.

What video game series do you miss? I’m going to go with Metroid, starting to think Prime 4 is a hoax!
- Jak and Daxter! I feel like everyone has there own favorite PS2 mascot platformer, but this was mine. I loved the Jak series. I wish for an alternate world where naughty dog kept making a new Jak game once every now and then like Insomniac does with Rachet.

I am so curious what has happened with Prime 4. Where is it?
3 years ago
@peepso_user_44(HyConnor) Yeah, I grew up the same way with at most a handful of games to play at any given time and I was quite happy with that. I think all the choices now makes it difficult for me to focus, but once I get into a game I tend to stick with it for a long time.

I never played Jak and Daxter, sadly! I preferred Ratchet myself. There also hasn’t been a good one of those in ages.

As far as I’m concerned, Metroid doesn’t exist lol
3 years ago
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