OPEN FORUM: Games as a Service, MOBAs, MMOs, and Gacha Vortexes

Do you play in any Games as a Service, MOBAs, MMOs, and Gacha Vortexes?

Unfortunately I do! I came to a recent realization. I do not have commitment issues. In fact I seem to over commit. I actually noticed the behavior in a few relationships I had with daily check in or good morning/night texts. Maybe that was a bit much but that’s something for another time.

Back on topic to the games eh? I have a few Games I have been logging in to and playing for YEARS now! The longest running one that comes to mind is:


Image of Novibear (Ursin)'s Warframe Wayback wallpaper.

Now this game I initially played back in Beta as displayed in the picture above. However it made me motion sick which made me step away from the game. I loved the idea of being space ninja. However my motion sickness at the time killed my will to play it. That is why 40-ish percent of my time was spent at level 1. Additionally I could not run it well for years. My PC was 4 years old when I tried Warframe. It was considered ancient even when I got it back in 2009 as a present.

But yeah back when I really got in to it roughly May 2017 if I subtract my log in count from today. I didn’t play it for 3 years after that. Now I am married to it. If I do not at least play an actual mission I make sure to log in since the game gives you free stuff everyday and different packs and unique rewards at certain milestones.

What does it do right?

Warframe is one of the few that seem to be doing the model correctly. Its free to play! It is on damn near every platform. Although no cross play. ALL of the content updates are free. Everything that’s not like convention/event based or purely cosmetic can be grinded, farmed, and crafted.

The premium currency Platnium can be farmed for free off of other players. It is all done in the in game trading system. You can farm for things people don’t want to and trade them you could also just happen to have a few spares I was sitting on a gold mine of vaulted items personally. Things like rare mods to others for Platinum the same goes for PRIME parts for enhanced version of Warframe’s and weapons and a few other things. Heck you can even sell the CHANCE for a prime drop via relics if you are someone like me that stopped for a few years and got back in later.

What other games?

I play a ton of MOBA’s League of Legends, although I do not log in to it daily. SMITE I still log in to that daily for rewards as well. I thankfully broke up with DOTA 2 years ago. I have also cycled through quite a few Idle/clicker games too many to name in fact. Except for the latest Idle Wizard. That’s just the PC games.

As for Mobile games, there is AFK Arena. Its kind of like a MOBA Meets Auto Chess. It is closer in comparison to DOTA 2 funnily enough. All of the heroes are split into categories. First by an ATTRIBUTE, then a CLASS, and a ROLE just like DOTA 2. So everyone is either Agility, Strength or Intellect based. Then they have classes Mage, Warrior, Tank, Ranger, and Support. From there and roles as those classes Like Burst DPS, Sustain, Healer, AoE Damager, Crowd Controller, Single Target DPS, and many more. I have been playing it for 2-ish years now. I have another guilty pleasure that I won’t name right now since its like something I wanted to do a bigger article on but can’t work it out still exactly.

So yeah what about y’all?

  • Have you tried any free to play games?
    • Were there any free to play games you liked, or any you hated?
  • Thoughts on Games as a Live Service or whatever the terminology was?
  • Any Mobile Gacha games out there you play?
  • Are you admittedly a whale on any games or are you strictly free to play?

Don’t care about any of that? Well feel free talk amongst yourselves as usual.

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Yes. I'm mastery level with Katarina and then they just needed her to oblivion so I started trying Leona this morning as they also nerfed my secondary, Eve.

Wild rift doesn't have daily login bonuses yet but there are events that in order to complete you have to play a game or two every day.

I have fallen back into my moba ways.... Please send help but also wake up at 4 am so we can play together. Work has been on fire for three weeks so I'm excited to get my second vaccine shot today and then take sick days Thursday Friday regardless of if I need them or not ...
3 years ago
@peepso_user_6(Novibear) I ended up picking up Janna and I'm doing pretty good. I even made my build from scratch it's probably crappy but supports don't need itmes they tell me.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) You just aren't gold dependent to be useful LIKE carrys are I play Janna sometimes on normal LoL as well.
3 years ago
**Have you tried any free to play games?
Were there any free to play games you liked, or any you hated?**
I've actually tried Warframe but would love to try and play more of it. It's such a great concept. I've played some Warface but then got Warface: Breakout with Games with Gold and that was even better. I've played a bunch of Destiny 2 but most of that was before it went free to play as I was trying to finish off all of the legacy campaigns before they disappeared. I've probably dabbled in a few more but nothing ever really stuck around as I'm usually more of a story person and the free to play games are typically multiplayer affairs.

**Thoughts on Games as a Live Service or whatever the terminology was?**
They can be fine but I think some companies try to gravitate towards them as a way to continually get revenue from games but that doesn't always translate to good games.

**Any Mobile Gacha games out there you play?**
I play Fire Emblem Heroes every once in a while. I love the Fire Emblem games and it's a mini version without the relationship simulator part.

**Are you admittedly a whale on any games or are you strictly free to play?**
Always free to play
@peepso_user_6(Novibear) Will do. I had been dabbling in it on Xbox One and Switch before this. I'm not much of a computer gamer usually. It's a shame they don't have crossplay.
3 years ago
@peepso_user_35(RealmofDarthon) Yeah they like allowed account copy of your progress up to a certain patch on other platforms but now I have a switch, and a ps4 file that are now way behind the pc main account I play on via steam.
3 years ago
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