Open Forum: What am I playing lately?

Heres a quick gaming journal update.

Still playing Lost Ark, got done with NORTH VERN and now have the option to boost a character to level 50.

Pokemon Legends Arceus is on hold.

Olli Olli World I and slowly chipping away at normal score, Mikes and probably never gonna do Radysus challenges. I have enjoyed playing ranked seasons though.

Caravan Stories still going strong.

Warframe on a break since i hit Mastery level 30 which is a lot for having logged in 1700 plus days now.

Monark Just hit the real Act 1 and got all the main villains to my current knowledge in a coma.

Picked Up Haven on sale. Haven just got an update for 2 new couple pairings with voice acting so now you can play through as a M/M or F/F couple version of the original Pair as well as it not effecting the story just showing what they go through regardless of Gender they love each other. i prefer to think of it as like a cool multiverse thing all version are valid and who know they could ad more in the future I hope to start it after finishing up a few other games.

That’s it for me.

Talk amongst yourselves!

No this wasn’t an easy way for me to reuse last weeks image lol psyche yes it is.

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I just finished the 6th gym in Pokemon Sword after about 22 hours in the game. Definitely seems to be closing in on the end since I'm assuming it'll be 8 gyms like normal and then some kind of Champion fight. I've mostly been playing that on my Switch but breaking it up with a little If Found... every so often as to not get burned out.

I just finished up DNA Sequence 4 in Assassin's Creed: Revelations so I'm nearly halfway through this game. As good as Assassin's Creed II is, I think I like the focus of one city in Brotherhood and Revelations. As an adult I don't have the time to play like I used to so a 12 hour more concise adventure isn't a bad thing for me. I have games like Witcher 3 that I've been waiting to get in to just because of how long I know it is. I need to just take the dive at some point.
I dont hink or recall is Pokemon SwSh did 8 gyms but i had many issues with that game.
The witcher 3 and the yakuza series as a whole are on my back burner list for like if i get fired lol and need something to pass the time
2 years ago
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