TAY2: Open Forum – “Christmas Eve” Eve 2021

RedStripe118's cat lying comfortably below his Christmas tree

It’s the day before the day before Christmas: The day before Christmas Eve: “Christmas Eve” Eve! I took this whole week off from work; it’s been quite nice.

Last night, my wife and I went out to one of those Christmas light exhibitions that you drive through. At the start of the path, the workers tell you a station number to switch your car’s FM radio to, which carries some music that accompanies the decorations. The lights and music then combined into a lovely, dazzling little experience!

They did not just synchronize the blinking of the lights to the music; they went all-out with many of the flashy effects that you’d see in one of those viral videos of a whole house’s lights set to Trans Siberian Orchestra or some other song. Arches with lights that bounce between the two ends like a metronome? Trees and snowmen with mouth lights that make them look like they’re singing?? Endless numbers of color-changing lights that make elaborate patterns and gradients??? This course had them all!!

Except that we weren’t just seeing it on a video. We got to witness all of these things in person. And it was glorious. Those lights improbably made the one millionth and seventy-third time hearing “All I Want For Christmas Is You” a joyful occasion. They were so good, they even somehow made that dumb-ass “Fancy Like”–not even a frickin’ Christmas song, WTF–palatable and charming.

Seeing Christmas lights at night has always been one of my absolute favorite things about the December holiday period. Admiring the decorations as we pass them by is something that my wife and I always like to do, and this nighttime exhibition proved to hit that mark especially wonderfully for us.

Thus concludes today’s dispatch. To everyone sticking around, Talk Amongst Yourselves! And to those who celebrate Christmas, may this Saturday be a merry one.

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