Mobile Legends: Bang Bang! Review

Mobile Legends bang bang splash screen

Mobile Legends Bang Bang is a mobile MOBA game from Moonton games.  As you can tell from the screenshot there’s literally nothing original about this game.  I’m not being too hyperbolic here either.  Moonton games was sued successfully by Tencent (partial owners of Riot’s League of Legends, and publishers of competing MOBA, Arena of Valor) for copyright infringement.

Comparison chart of Annie to Moonton's Fanny ...or something


I’ve been playing Mobile MOBAs for a long time. Having clocked over 2 thousand hours in DOTA 2 and probably half that in League of Legends I feel I’m well qualified to judge any MOBA.  For mobile, I was hooked on Vainglory until they started charging, no joke, 100 dollars for a hero pack that contained the hero and a few skins.  Their publisher dropped them soon after and now the game is dead (although they won’t de-list it from the Play Store).  Recently I got the itch to start playing again.  My first choice was actually Arena of Valor but they require you to login with Facebook so…no thank you. 


The Good


For MOBA gameplay, here’s the thing: all are essentially the same. You got heroes.   They attack each other.  You got items.  You have 350 community item builds that assure you you’ll be a pro even when you face check every bush.  You have towers, and lanes and pushing and last hitting etc.  MLBB didn’t try to reinvent the wheel and I’m happy about that- playing it is like coming home – it is familiar enough that I immediately know what I’m doing. Heroes are adequately balanced for low to mid tier play (I win about half as many as I lose now).  I see a lot of people whining about balance in the chat but so far everything has seemed fine.



Matchmaking, which is something which will make or break your game, is blessedly quick.  They’ve provided an option to expand the game search radius to include other countries if it takes over 30s.  It works well and if I were going to grade this game solely on how fast you could boot the game and find yourself in a satisfying game, I’d give it a better score than I’m going to.


Lack of loot boxes

Heroes aren’t gacha based or loot box based.  You can buy most/all of the heroes outright with in game currency of one form or another (more on that later).  Granted that rate of hero acquisition is going to be slow as hell.  I played 2 days and had enough for one hero but that was with a newbie bonus and curb stomping most games due to my prior experience in the genre (update: On day 3 I’m up to 10 heroes).  Still, with enough patience it’s relatively easy to get a small stable of heroes that you enjoy playing with without spending any money at all.  So.  Y’know.  There’s that. 



The art style is nice but every. single. female. looks. the. same. Oh my god.  There are probably 6 female heroes that are utterly indistinguishable from each other.  “ICE QUEEN and FROST QUEEN with the LIGHTNING GODDESS and ARCHER ELF” it’s all ….yea.. I’m not sure if this is something where the longer I play it the more I’ll learn to recognize the tiny pixels as “oh yeah that sniper that kills me from eight miles off” or not.

Still… not bad.  Here are the two heroes I’m playing predominantly. They don’t look the same as each other but they sure do look like other IPs.

The hero Alice from Mobile Legends Bang Bang
The hero Hilda from Mobile legends bang bang
Actually sonja from Diablo....oops

The Bad

Confusing as Hell

I have no idea what’s going on in this game.  I don’t mean the actual laning/jungling/team fight part, I’m fine with that.  That part of the game works well.  What I’m referring to are the five pop ups that I have to close prior to getting to the loading screen.  You know, the one that looks like this:

mobile legends bang bang home screen

In one screen there are buttons for:

  1. Profile
  2. medal chests
  3. Timed chests
  4. Daily Quests
  5. Advertisements
  6. Shop (has roughly 50 different options inside)
  7. Events
  8. Starlight (whatever that is)
  9. Live
  10. Esports (somehow not related to live)
  11. Chat
  12. A Montoon “announcement” bell
  13. Facebook share
  14. Ranked rewards
  15. Starlight shop…I think
  16. Preparation
  17. Heroes
  18. Leaderboards
  19. Achievements
  20. Contest
  21. Inventory
  22. DOTA Chess or whatever the hell they call it here
  23. Two people standing, one behind the other
  24. Add a Friend
  25. A round trash can (JK no idea what tf that is)
  26. Arrows to switch the game mode
  27. Friend List
  28. Battery icon
  29. Wifi Icon
  30. Settings Icon
  31. Mail icon
  32. Buy more currency icon
  33. Diamons icon
  34. Gold Icon
  35. M card Icon
  36. I’m pretty sure there’s actually more under the Esports too but I’m not booting it up to find out I plan to leave work at some point today.

Thirty Five (35) Freaking Options on the main page and every single one of those options opens up on a sprawling new tab-based menu that looks at least as complicated as this main page.  And all of them vie for your attention with little red notification dots.  “OPEN THIS CHEST!” “CLAIM YOUR REWARD!” “NEW LIVE STREAM”

Oh it’s maddening.



Along with the confusion is the games’ uncountable amount of currency.  There’s achievement points, M-tickets, starlight, Diamonds, Battlepoints, 3 different “season pass” currencies that are limited time, a plethora of “tickets” that you can purchase with one of the other currencies that let you enter a drawing for a skin or hero (keep in mind you CAN buy them, but yes there ARE loot boxes as well), several different chests that can be opened with various currencies, luck points, hero fragments that you can collect to buy heroes with, emblem pieces that you can upgrade baseline stats for any hero.  You can buy heroes with M tickets or battle points or with diamonds.  Some with 2 of the three.  M tickets and battle points are earned through gameplay.  Battle points are pretty standard, win games, get gold.  Complete daily tasks get gold or M-tickets.  Diamonds are the currency you buy with real money and hrmm…how bad could it be?

Let’s take a peaksy poo.

A screenshot of the available purchase options for in game currency of mobile legends bang bang

Well that doesn’t seem great.  6,000 diamonds for 100 damn dollars. 

Well Whatever.  I’ll pay 5 bucks and get 275 diamonds.  That should let me get at least a hero.

Oh you sweet summer child.


A screenshot of hero prices for mobile legends bang bang
Estes Rockets.

I’d say on average a hero is 300-400, with some ranging up to ridiculous costs that I forgot.  Oops.  The ones shown above are 600 so for 100 dollars you can get ….10 …..heroes…..

holy shit batman. 

With over 100 heroes, you’re looking at over 1,000 United States Federally Minted Dollars in order to purchase them outright. 

I spent ten bucks or five bucks I forget to get a one time “SPECIAL PACK” that contained less than five dollars worth of diamonds but also ‘hero shards” which are little useless crap you pick up that you can eventually combine an inordinate amount of them to get a hero. 

To be honest, it’s not too bad to get heroes without paying money but this sort of setup is absolutely insane.  I didn’t even get into skins and how much THOSE cost. 



Review Score


  • Nice art
  • Fun gameplay
  • Ten minute matches
  • DOTA chess for people who like that sort of thing
  • Lots of skins and characters, you’re sure to find one you like.
  • Matchmaking times are low


  • Monetization is outrageous
  • Currencies are too numerous and menus are overwhelming.

Back of the box quote

“…like a 90s Warez site where you just knew if you could somehow click through all the popups for boner pills you’d hit paydirt and get to play Half Life for free”


If you’re into MOBAs, you could do worse.  It’s possible to play, collect heroes at a reasonable rate, and even get a few skins without ever spending a dime.  That said, if you do want to spend money, prepare to shell out a hefty fee in order to obtain anything you may want. 

As a final note:  League of Legends: Wild Rift will release sometime in the next month or two for North America.  It’s probable that it will outclass this game in nearly every way (although knowing Riot, it’ll somehow cost more).

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hmmm hmmmm maybe
3 years ago
@peepso_user_20(Aikage) this is fucking bizarre dude my no service samsung galaxy 3 can run it but my galaxy a 20 cannot
if i manage to get through the tutorial i will let you know phone still gets too hot
3 years ago
I really appreciate games that are free to play but don’t try to get me to buy one of their 10 premium currencies and watch 3 ads between every game. I can’t think of any right now.. Dungeon Keeper Mobile still leaves a bad taste in my mouth to this day. I would be keen to give League a try since their free to play model isn’t unbearable on PC so I’m hoping it’ll be similar on mobile.. although it used to be better with riot points or whatever it was they had before the blue and orange essence
3 years ago
@peepso_user_16(Stray) They changed Riot Points? Ugh. Yeah I'm unsure of the psychology behind "so many different things to keep track of that it takes 10 minutes to get through your dailies" but hopefully they don't do that on wild rift. Here's hoping.
3 years ago
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